Can IVF acupuncture improve live birth rates, aka take home babies?
Despite 20 years of vigorous IVF acupuncture research, further studies are ceaselessly coming in. Browsing our website you will find evidence IVF acupuncture benefits pregnancy or live birth rates. And there are also studies that do not show the effect on pregnancy rates, but highlight other acupunctures’ benefits, like improved embryo quality or better blood flow in the uterus or reduced stress. And sometimes it may seem like it is bit challenging to clearly understand the benefits and draw conclusions on IVF acupuncture. This maybe due to differences study methodologies and due to the variety of protocols used – not all reproductive acupuncture is effective.
If you think that fertility acupuncture evidence is somewhat confusing, here is a study to clear things up.
Our ABORM colleague, Dr Lee Hullender Rubin recently embarked on a mission to provide clarity on the role of acupuncture in IVF treatments. She analysed the two latest and most rigorous systematic reviews and meta-analyses resulting in an insightful overview in her recent study.
Here we present to you a summary of the key findings on how this time-tested therapy can help during your next IVF, based on data from nearly 2000 women.