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New study shows Acupuncture can boost IVF live birth rates by 30%

Can IVF acupuncture improve live birth rates, aka take home babies? Despite 20 years of vigorous IVF acupuncture research, further studies are ceaselessly coming in. Browsing our website you will find evidence IVF acupuncture benefits pregnancy or live birth rates. And there are also studies that do not show the effect on pregnancy rates, but […]

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Reproductive acupuncture vs medication for anovulation

How does reproductive acupuncture compares to the medication at improving ovulation? One of the causes of anovulation is luteinised unruptured follicle syndrome (LUFS). LUFS affects 5%-10% of healthy women and 25%-43% of women with infertility. This syndrome is more common among women diagnosed with endometriosis. Most commonly LUFS is diagnosed during a series of ultrasound […]

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Boost embryo quality with acupuncture

Can acupuncture improve embryo quality? The short answer is yes, acupuncture can improve embryo quality. Now let’s have a look into study details. Dr Rashidi and his team explored if acupuncture can improve pregnancy rates for PCOS patients undergoing IVF and ICSI. As a result, they found that acupuncture can improve embryo quality.